Morning Medicine - Vinyasa Flow - All Yogis are Welcome - 90 mins
with Minh

January 10 (Thursday)
at 7:00 am

Class length
90 minutes

Beginners are welcome in this class
요가 경험이 없으신 모든 초보자 분들을 위한 수업입니다.
Not for Prenatal Yogis please

Come ground and activate with Minh.
This morning class helps to calm the mind while energizing and strengthening the body.
The flow calls students to focus on the breadth, hold for strength, and allow a natural opening of the body.
Feel your energy build and your grace bloom as you awaken for the day.
Feel your fire ignite as you charge up through the core and surrender to your power.
Give the gift of a better you.

Level - Medium Spicy เผ็ดปานกลาง (Phet Panklang):
These classes are available to all levels of Yogis
Expect to build strength and stamina.
Air conditioning is not used for this class.
Windows are open and studio cooled by fans.
No phones or pictures inside the studio please
스튜디오에서 전화 및 사진촬영을 삼가해주시기 바랍니다

Level - Suitable for all levels
Style - Vinyasa
Music - Yes
Meditation - Maybe
Pranayama - Maybe
Adjustments - No 
Teacher - Kru Minh (Kru is Thai for teacher)


Sorry - that class has already taken place!