Hatha - All Yogis Are Welcome - 75 mins
with Apple

April 30 (Tuesday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
75 minutes

Up Dog - 4 Floor Studio

Hatha yoga is usually a slower-paced practice where poses (asana) are held for a few breaths.
A Hatha class will often include breathing techniques and meditation as well as asana.
This is a great place to start if you are new to yoga or if you want to deepen your practice because you get the time and space to become familiar with yoga poses. 
This style can still be challenging too!
In Sanskrit, “Ha” represents sun and “tha” represents moon. This alludes to the opposites in our lives, such as yin and yang, light and darkness, hard and soft, vigorous and gentle.
A yoga class described as ‘Hatha’ will typically involve a set of physical postures (yoga poses) and breathing techniques, practiced more slowly and with more static posture holds than perhaps a Vinyasa flow or Ashtanga class.
Hatha yoga is about finding balance. Through working with the physical body, releasing tension and trauma stored in the body, you create space in yourself and, through that space and balance, the opportunity for spiritual growth.

Level - Medium Spicy เผ็ดปานกลาง (Phet Panklang):
This classes are available to all levels of Yogis - beginners are welcome
We apologize, but  this class is not pre-natal friendly
Expect to build strength and stamina.
Masks are optional for both teachers and practioner in this class 
Air conditioning is not used for this class.
Windows are open and studio cooled by fans.
No phones or pictures inside the studio please
스튜디오에서 전화 및 사진촬영을 삼가해주시기 바랍니다 

Level - Suitable for all levels - we apologize this class is not suitable for Prenatal yogis 
Style - Hatha
Music - No
Meditation - Yes
Pranayama - Yes
Adjustments - Yes  - permission cards are used in this class 
Masks are optional for both teachers and practioners in this class 
Teacher - Kru Apple (Kru is Thai for teacher)

Studio reserves the right to limit class size or cancel classes
No Shows and Late Cancels (less than 2 hours) will be deducted from all passes


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